Clean Energy > All-Electric Buildings
All-Electric Buildings
In order to reach Carbon Zero, we need to get fossil fuels out of buildings by ditching natural gas in favor of 100% renewable electric energy. Building electrification for new buildings is more cost-effective than ever and modern technologies are now available to retrofit existing buildings.
Need help navigating incentives and rebates? Fill out this form and a member of our team will contact you within three business days so you can electrify your life.
Get Educated
Visit the Clean Energy Resources page to learn more about all-electric buildings and other ways that CEC is moving the Central Coast to zero carbon. Subscribe to our email list to stay updated on the latest news, events, and opportunities to engage.
Help CEC Pass All-Electric Reach Codes in Your City
To quickly transition to 100% clean energy, we need to ensure that all new buildings are built all-electric and solar-ready. Sign up to receive alerts about opportunities to take action to support the work of the Community Environmental Council.
Electrify Your Home or Business
Replace old natural gas furnaces or water heaters with highly efficient electric heat pumps for heating and cooling your home and heating hot water. The federal climate bill delivers a new 30% tax credit for adding insulation, energy efficient windows, and other ways to make your home more efficient. Replace your hot water heater with a new heat pump water heater—you can find contractors for any electrification project at The Switch Is On.
What CEC is Doing
The Community Environmental Council advocates for all-electric building codes for new construction. New all-electric buildings are more affordable to build and operate, safer for occupants, and more sustainable because they use highly efficient heat pumps and can be powered by 100% renewable electricity. CEC is working with many local agencies to consider all-electric codes, and recently CEC supported the City of Ojai and the City of Santa Barbara in banning natural gas in new building construction.
Retrofit Support
The larger challenge is how to get fossil fuels and carbon emissions out of our existing buildings. New heat pump technology for space and water heating is being incentivized and many homeowners are choosing to switch away from natural gas. The blogs below are resources for existing building owners who want to retrofit their buildings with heat pumps and other advanced and efficient technologies. CEC is also developing new programs that soon will offer more support to help multifamily and single family buildings go electric. In the meantime, visit The Switch Is On to learn all about home electrification and to find contractors who can assist you.