5 Ways To Cut Plastic Out of Your Life

We know that plastics are harming our environment and our bodies, but reducing plastic use can feel overwhelming. That’s why each summer the Community Environmental Council (CEC) hosts a Plastic-Free Expo and Plastic-Free webinar, where we share the science behind the plastic crisis, and offer solutions to reduce plastic pollution. 

We partner with organizations like Santa Barbara Channelkeeper and experts like Alejandra Warren, co-founder of Plastic Free Future and Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival’s 2024 Environmental Hero, to raise awareness about the impacts of plastics and engage the community in:

  • Lifestyle changes that cut plastics out of your life

  • Collective actions that can increase access to sustainable choices

  • Advocating for policy change to hold companies accountable

Don’t know where to start? We’re here to help! Below are five actions you can take now to start cutting plastic out of your life, with links to lots of helpful resources.

1. Learn more about the impact of plastics

2. Divert your waste

Find out what your local recycling program actually recycles. Look on your city, county, and/or waste management company website. California Central Coast resources include:

3. Reduce consumption and prioritize reuse

4. Advocate for plastic reduction

  • Learn more about Plastic Free Future’s programs and services

  • Take action with CEC: Join CEC's next Climate Stewards cohort, which kicks off in September, and stay tuned for opportunities to join future plastic reduction advocacy efforts

  • Ask your grocery store to add bulk bins (or add them back now that public health restrictions from the pandemic are no longer in force)

  • Support your local refill shop so they can continue to serve your community

5. Inspire others to take action

  • Talk with your friends and family about small steps they can take that make big impacts

  • Lead by example–show the youth in your life how to live plastic-free

Together, we can make a massive difference to our health and the planet—one piece of plastic at a time. We hope to see you at a future CEC plastic-free event, or at your neighborhood refill shop!


La Crisis del Plástico: Ciencia y Soluciones


The Plastic Crisis: Science and Solutions