Help California get to Carbon Neutrality by 2035

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) will soon decide on two major issues impacting California's ability to move quicker on combating the climate crisis. We need you to share your voice and spread the word on two key issues: Carbon Neutrality and Clean Cars. Take 5 minutes today to advance critical climate policy by 10 years.


California can and must achieve carbon neutrality by 2035. CARB's draft 2022 Scoping Plan is the state's blueprint for how and when California will reach carbon neutrality. CARB has drafted more ambitious scenarios that would accelerate California's carbon neutrality plan from 2045 to 2035, but the agency's staff is recommending the 2045 scenario. There’s a narrow window of opportunity between now and June 24 to influence CARB’s decision, and they need to hear from you.

Click here to learn more from our partners at The Climate Center and tell the California Air Resources Board that California must reach carbon neutrality by 2035 or sooner!

100% CLEAN CARS BY 2030, not 2035

As the fifth largest economy in the world, when California began requiring automakers to sell an increasing number of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), the industry responded. CARB makes the plan for how our state will get to 100% clean vehicles, but their draft Advanced Clean Cars II rule doesn't get there fast enough. California should require 100% ZEVs to be sold by 2030, not 2035.

Automakers like Volvo have announced plans to sell 100% ZEVS by 2035, GM by 2035, and Tesla, based here in California is already there. CARB should push the market, not trail it. The current proposal doesn't address the climate crisis with the urgency it requires. Our partners at Let's Green CA! recently launched a new tool that allows you to tell CARB: we need 100% clean cars by 2030.


Building a Community of Climate Action


Kim Kimbell: A Tireless Advocate for the Environment