Carrot Mob Raised Money for Energy Efficiency

The Carrot Mob was a success!A buzz was in the air and the mood was upbeat as people bellied up to the bar at Telegraph Brewing Company on Saturday, October 13. From noon to 6pm, over 300 people participated in a reverse boycott -- or Carrot Mob -- to buy over 500 pints of beer and take growlers to go, all in the name of energy efficiency. And it showed: Telegraph’s sales for the day nearly doubled!The additional $1,200 in sales from that day will go towards a new energy efficient “cool roof” on Telegraph’s new facility, which they are expecting to move into in the new year (just next door to the current building). This type of roof reflects and emits the sun's heat back to the sky instead of transferring it to the building below. It increases energy efficiency by reducing the amount of energy needed for heating and cooling. The upgrade will significantly reduce the brewery’s carbon footprint.Check out the photos >YOU made this happen – thank you! Brian Thompson, owner of Telegraph Brewing Company, is grateful to have the community rally behind his efforts to make the brewery more sustainable.Stay tuned for updates on Facebook, Twitter, and by email.

Thanks to our Partners:

Edible Santa Barbara, Environmental Education for the Next Generation, LoaTree, New Noise Music Foundation, Plus One Events, Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition, Sustainable Socially, The Fund for Santa Barbara, The Sustainability Project and UCSB Environmental Affairs Board


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Carrot Mob at Telegraph Brewing Company