Carrot Mob Location Revealed: Coffee Cat

The buzz has been building and we've been leaking hints. We heard a lot of cat-related guesses on Facebook – Hungry Cat, Wildcat Lounge, Lemos Pet Store, and more. Finally the day is here to let the "cat" out of the bag!

We hope you'll join us in a Carrot Mob for Coffee Cat (1201 Anacapa St., Santa Barbara) on Saturday, January 21 from 10am to 3 pm. We're expecting hundreds of local activists (including you!) to pour into Coffee Cat to reward the business for its commitment to reducing the shop's carbon footprint and making it more energy efficient.

I've never been to a Carrot Mob. What do I do?

Step 1: Visit Coffee Cat on Saturday, January 21.

We'll make you feel right at home. There will be a band to groove to (Holdfast Rifle Co.), a place to park your bike (courtesy of the SB Bicycle Coalition), and people who love to support local businesses.

Step 2: Buy something. Anything.

Whether it's coffee, tea, a snack, a bag of coffee beans, or a tumbler, every purchase on Jan. 21 helps raise money to help Coffee Cat install new energy efficient lighting.

Step 3: Share with your friends.

There's strength in numbers. Check-in to the Carrot Mob on Facebook, upload a photo, post a status update and tweet it (@CECSB #SBcarrotmob) to spread the word!

How do I get there?

  • By foot from nearby neighborhoods.

  • By bike. Free bike valet will be available at Bikestation, courtesy of the SB Bicycle Coalition and the City of Santa Barbara, and a bike mass will be heading down from Isla Vista (details coming soon).

  • By bus (

  • By car (last resort). Parking available on neighborhood streets.

What will the money pay for?

As a result of the Carrot Mob, Coffee Cat plans on implementing major improvements to the lighting in the shop, including upgrading all of the existing overhead lighting from outdated T12 lamps to much more efficient and cost-effective T8 fluorescent lamps. The replacement of approximately 44 lamps will reduce energy use by about 352 watts per hour, which is a savings of 30%!

Why Coffee Cat?

CEC chose Coffee Cat because the owner and staff are eager to make these changes and have already started putting some work into make the business run more sustainably.

The owner of Coffee Cat, Krista Fritzen, is excited for the upcoming event. She explains, “When I first came to Coffee Cat one of my first goals was to reduce waste and move the store towards more efficiency. The Green Business Program provided a structured way to achieve these goals. Many of the targets were easily achievable, but one of the most heavy-hitting changes ended being the cost associated the lighting upgrades. As a small business owner, it just wasn’t possible for me to make these changes on my own, so I had to put the whole program on the back burner until CEC approached me about holding a Carrot Mob.”

“It is so fulfilling to see them moving forward on the path towards becoming more sustainable” said Frances Gilliland, Program Director of the Green Business Program of Santa Barbara County.

With help from the Carrot Mob, she'll be one step closer to completing the program.

Partners:The Santa Barbara Carrot Mob on Saturday, January 21 is being organized by the Community Environmental Council, in partnership with Bikestation, CALPIRG, City of Santa Barbara, Edible Santa Barbara, LoaTree, Plus One Marketing, Santa Barbara Bike Coalition, Santa Barbara High School Dons Net Cafe, The Sustainability Project, Sustanability Socially, and UCSB Environmental Affairs Board.


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Are You Ready for Some (Carrot) Mobbing?