A Family Affair

When you're travelling with a three-year old, any mode of transportation can be a challenge, biking included. When my daughter Lena was younger, I had a BoBike Mini attached to my hybrid bike, which I loved. We would go to Oak and Mackenzie Parks or breakfast at Renaud's. However, I didn't feel entirely comfortable riding too far outside my neighborhood in Samarkand with her riding between me and the handlebars.

She outgrew the BoBike Mini, so we purchased a Burley bike trailer. With Lena strapped in tightly behind me, I feel much more comfortable venturing further from home. So this year my husband and I decided to bike with Lena to CEC's Earth Day Festival. We felt it would be a great adventure, and it was convenient to valet our bikes and kid trailer at the Bike Valet.

Once we arrived, Lena decided that dancing and hanging out by the Main Stage was her priority, so we spent much of our time enjoying the music and sunshine. We also had some time to wander through the Public Square and learn about recycling milk cartons and tin foil. We had a fantastic time!

Our experience biking to Earth Day at Alameda Park was the furthest distance we had traveled, and it reignited my desire to commute more by bicycle. Now, we bike to pre-school and work 2-3 times a week, as well as to the park and breakfast. I try to choose routes with designated bike lanes and I'm very vigilant to ensure our safety. Lena loves riding in the new bike trailer. She particularly enjoys the fast down hills. We often sing playful songs together (if I am not going up a hill) or she tells me stories to pass the time.

Biking is a great way to reduce our impact on the environment. I want to ensure our environment is in suitable condition for my daughter and all future generations.


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