Climate of Hope Forum

About this Webinar

Presented by Regeneración and the Community Environmental Council, the fifth annual Climate of Hope Forum will take place on Thursday, February 23, 2023, and has a theme of Climate ARTivism: Creative Action for Justice.

This year's program will feature Lil Milagro Henriquez, Founder and Executive Director of the Mycelium Network and other artists from a variety of backgrounds who promote healing, environmental justice, and community resilience through poetry, film, music, photography, murals and other art forms.

The audience will interact through polls, chat, resource-sharing, and organized watch parties.

Please join us on February 23rd from 4:00-6:00 pm. (Please plan to sign on at 3:50 p.m. so we can get started on time).

Free, donations are gratefully accepted.

Únase al foro anual Clima de esperanza: Artivismo- Acción creativa por la justicia. El programa de este año contará con Lil Milagro Henriquez, Fundador y Director ejecutivo de la Red de jóvenes mycelium y mas artistas de una variedad de orígenes que promueven la sanación, la justicia ambiental y la resiliencia comunitaria a través de la poesía, el cine, música, fotografía, murales y otras formas de arte.
Programa sera interpretado a español. Often boletos gratis o puedes hacer una donación si quieres apoyar nuestro trabajo. 


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