Creating Waves of Change: CEC’s Climate Stewards Talk Local Action & Impact

About this Webinar

In this webinar, a few of our Certified Climate Stewards share how they are applying what they learned in the certification course and working on impactful community projects like:

  • Integrating climate justice into communications and advocacy at Planned Parenthood Central Coast

  • Joining a local cruise ship regulation advocacy group

  • Reintroducing beavers to their natural Santa Barbara habitats

  • Advising UC Santa Barbara students on how to channel climate anxiety into action

We also share how you can become a Climate Steward and contribute to climate solutions in your community.

With the increase in catastrophic climate events, we must expand the number of community members who take an active role in reversing the impacts of climate change. CEC is proud to be the first and only nonprofit on the Central Coast to deliver the Climate Stewards certification program. In this eight-week course, participants gain access to climate action resources and opportunities to join the movement – and will graduate with a better understanding of the psychology and science behind climate change, the tools necessary to forge greater community connections, and the knowledge to effectively communicate the climate crisis. Learn more and apply.

Climate Action Webinar Speakers:

  • Sarah Siedschlag, Environmental Programs Advisor, UC Santa Barbara

  • John Cunningham, President and Founder, Marin Benefits, Fall 2022 Certified Climate Steward

  • Celeste Andersen, Healthcare and Compliance Attorney, Fall 2022 Certified Climate Steward

  • Emily Gotlieb, Program Specialist, Ecology Action


  • Jenna Tosh, CEO, Planned Parenthood Central Coast, Winter 2022 Certified Climate Steward


  • Kathi King, Director of Climate Leadership and Education, Community Environmental Council, Climate Stewards course instructor


Learn more about becoming a CEC Climate Steward:

Not able to commit to the Climate Stewards course right now, but still want to take action?


Sharyn Main and Jim Hodgson: Passionate About Nature, Art, and Community


Katie Davis: Fighting to Ensure the Future of Our Kids