Empowering Change: An Evening with Dr. Flávia Maia Resources Toolkit

About this event

The Community Environmental Council and our co-host Telea Insights would like to thank everyone who joined us on January 19 at CEC’s new Environmental Hub for an inspiring evening with Brazilian climate leader Dr. Flávia Maia.

Dr. Maia is the founder of Filha do Sol, a women-operated nonprofit in Brazil working to restore climate justice through women-led nature regeneration projects in tropical settings. She has been recognized for her accomplishments as a change-maker and civic leader, and has served as an Obama Foundation Scholar and Dalai Lama Fellow. A descendant of climate migrants from the Brazilian Northeast, Dr. Maia holds a doctorate in urban planning and is a certified expert in sustainability with a focus on climate resilience.

She shared her experience launching the first Women's Climate School—a leadership school that uplifts frontline women's leadership on ecosystem regeneration and climate justice. Dr. Maia emphasized the importance of taking collective action to address the climate crisis, creating solutions that challenge systems of inequality causing injustice, and recognizing the emotional and spiritual components of climate action. If you missed the event, we strongly encourage you to watch this extremely powerful presentation and be inspired to take action.

We are only able to offer events like this to the community free of charge, thanks to the generosity of individuals like you. Please consider a gift to CEC in support of programming like this event.


  • Dr. Flávia Maia, Co-founder and Creative Director of Filha do Sol

  • Caitlyn Ryan, Associate, Telea Insights

  • Nadra Ehrman

    • 2nd Vice President, CEC Board of Directors

    • Director of Sustainability, The Towbes Group

A message to attendees from Dr. Maia

Times are changing. Being welcomed by you to CEC’s Environmental Hub for a talk on the power of social relationships and women's networks to address the climate crisis is a sign of change. We are stepping toward a future in which climate leadership cares about emissions as much as emotions, and you are part of this.

That you were listening, engaging, and asking thoughtful questions around this simple yet bold idea shows how powerful this movement can be. How much more creativity can we unlock to heal our relationship with the rest of nature once our head, heart, and hands are in alignment? As Margaret Mead says, “I never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” 

Ways to take action: 

  • Check out Filha do Sol, a women-operated nonprofit founded by Dr. Maia that is working to restore climate justice through women-led nature regeneration projects in tropical settings. Follow and share their posts on Instagram and LinkedIn – and consider supporting their work

  • Connect with Dr. Maia if you or your organization would be interested in collaborating with Filha do Sol on gender equity, mangrove restoration, social healing, or climate resilience. 

  • Become a CEC Climate Steward and help spur a wave of grassroots climate action in your region. Learn more. 


Laura Francis: Inspiring Future Generations


Featured Legacy Donors: John and Karen Jostes