Help ensure the City of Santa Barbara continues ambitious climate action!

On July 2, 2024, the Santa Barbara City Council will consider adopting an updated Climate Action Plan. The Community Environmental Council has been tracking this plan for many years, and we need your support to ensure Santa Barbara adopts this plan and continues implementing bold climate solutions.

The proposed plan outlines local strategies to reduce carbon emissions contributing to local and global climate change, focusing on energy use, travel and land use, vegetation, waste reduction, and water conservation. We commend the City of Santa Barbara for developing a strong Climate Action Plan and urge the City to adopt the updated plan to meet its ambitious carbon neutrality goal by 2035.

Take Action: Give Public Comment in Support of the Climate Action Plan

Attend the City Council Meeting on July 2 in Person or via Zoom

The City of Santa Barbara Council meeting is on Tuesday, July 2 at 2:00 p.m., at Council Chambers, City Hall 2nd Floor, 735 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara.

  • The Climate Action Plan item is the first item on the agenda, Item #14, after the Consent Calendar, so it may come up toward the beginning of the meeting.

  • Arrive 15 minutes before the agenda item to fill out a speaker slip for public comment. Fill out a speaker slip with the City Clerk.  

  • Click here to acccess the agenda and the staff report for this item.

For Zoom Participants

  • Click here to register for the meeting and indicate which agenda item you want to comment on.

  • You must have audio and microphone capabilities on your device to join the meeting.

  • Ensure you join the meeting with audio and follow the prompts to test your speaker and microphone beforehand.

  • When your item comes up, click on the “Raise Hand” icon to indicate that you’d like to speak on the item. The City Clerk will call your name when it’s your turn to speak.

  • Unmute yourself before you speak.

Tips & Reminders

  • Unmute your phone/computer mic before you speak.

  • Comments from the public are limited to two or three minutes per speaker, so plan and prepare.

  • When you speak, state your name, occupation, or affiliation (optional), and where you live (city and/or district).

  • Click here to view the agenda for more information.

  • Speak slowly and clearly for language interpreters.

  • If you live, work, or shop in the City of Santa Barbara, mention that at the beginning of your public comment. Council members value direct input from their constituents.

Can’t attend? Send an Email

  • Submit your comment via email to the City Clerk at no later than 5:00 p.m. PT on Monday, July 1.

  • Include “Agenda Item #14: Adoption of the 2024 Climate Action Plan” in the subject line

  • Share a personal story or experience with a climate disaster, or why you think climate action is important. Describe in your own words why it is important for the City of Santa Barbara to adopt a Climate Action Plan.

Suggested Talking Points

Below are suggested talking points that you can use as a guide. Public comments are most effective when authentic to you and your experience.

  • Hello, my name is _________. I am a resident of Santa Barbara, and I’m here today to urge the Council to adopt the City of Santa Barbara Climate Action Plan.

  • I’m giving public comment today because _________.

    • Share a personal story or connection to climate change's impacts, e.g., extreme heat, flooding, wildfires, drought, etc. For example:

      • During the last wildfire, my family had to evacuate, and our home was at risk. This experience highlighted the urgent need for proactive climate action to protect our community.

      • During the heatwave last summer, the extreme temperatures led to health issues for my elderly parents. We need a robust climate action plan to mitigate such impacts and prepare our community for future events.

      • The flooding this past winter damaged my business, resulting in significant financial losses. A comprehensive climate action plan can help prevent such economic disruptions.

    • Or, share why you care so much about this issue, e.g., “I am asking the City Council to adopt this Climate Action Plan because ______.” (Pick a few of these talking points to expand on and make your own):

      • A Climate Action Plan will enable the city to take proactive steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience against climate impacts.

      • A formal Climate Action Plan can open up access to state and federal funding opportunities to support local climate initiatives.

      • Implementing this plan is crucial for improving air quality, reducing pollution, and protecting the health of our residents, especially vulnerable groups.

      • With the increasing frequency of climate-related disasters, a Climate Action Plan is vital for enhancing our emergency preparedness and community safety.

      • By adopting this plan, Santa Barbara can set an example for other cities, demonstrating our commitment to tackling climate change.

      • The plan provides a long-term vision and actionable steps to address climate challenges, ensuring a safer and more resilient community.

      • Adopting the plan shows that the City Council listens to and supports the voices of residents who demand climate action and sustainability.

  • Thank the Council and staff for their time. For example:

    • Thank you for considering my comments. Adopting the Climate Action Plan is a crucial step towards a sustainable and resilient future for Santa Barbara, and the City’s efforts are vital to making this vision a reality for all of Santa Barbara.

Other CEC Resources

  • Find your local meetings: Bookmark CEC’s California Central Coast Public Meeting Directory so you always know when, where, and how you can participate in local climate policy decision-making. Do you live outside of the California Central Coast? Visit your city, county, or municipal website for more information.

  • Read CEC’s How to Participate in Public Meetings guide (Spanish/English): Learn how you can participate in public meetings or hearings hosted by your local government – and get answers to frequently asked questions.

  • Watch our bilingual Policy Training Webinar to gain valuable insights and skills for effective advocacy.

  • Questions? Contact CEC’s Senior Climate Policy Associate, Farah Stack, at

P.S. The County of Santa Barbara Climate Action Plan is coming soon!

Like the City of Santa Barbara, the County of Santa Barbara prepares and updates a Climate Action Plan that outlines countywide greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. The County’s plan will go before the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors for adoption in the next few weeks, and we’ll need your help to ensure it passes. Stay tuned for more details and opportunities to take action.


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