Let's unwrap our planet with Plastic Free July

This year, #plasticfree July is an opportunity to revive habits lost during the pandemic

The amount of single use plastic we have consumed worldwide is enough to wrap the entire planet in one gigantic plastic bag. Let that image sink in.

Production of single use plastic has been doubling every decade for the past forty years, the pandemic fueled an extra increase in disposable plastic production, and the fossil fuel industry has plans to triple production by 2040.

Fortunately, there are steps we can take right now to stem the tide of single use plastic. As I discuss in my blog, we can transition from the current take-make-waste system that floods our planet with trash to a borrow-use-return model that designs waste out of the equation.

You can also learn more by attending our next Climate Action Webinar on Tuesday, July 20 at 12 p.m. PT: Climate and Economics – Moving Toward a Circular Model to Reduce Waste. We’ll talk with leaders of local companies who are implementing this circular vision to create and grow business while reducing impact.

Look forward to working together with you to move our region toward a #plasticfree future.

In health and action,

Kathi King

Director of Climate Education and Leadership
Community Environmental Council


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Unwrapping the Earth: Why We Need a Circular Economy, Now.