Update on Carrizo Plain Solar Projects

CEC supports commercial solar projects in our region because we know how important it is to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Generating our own energy from the sun is a great way to reduce our fossil fuel consumption. However, you can't build a commercial solar project just anywhere. They need to be built in strategic locations to ensure minimal impact on the local habitats (i.e. animals, native plants, migratory paths).Earlier this year, the San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors approved two large solar projects on the Carrizo Plain, in the eastern part of SLO county. CEC supported these projects, because the sites are located on previously disturbed land and they are near transmission lines/load centers.

Read more about CEC's position.

Although CEC supported the project, not all of the national environmental groups were behind the project. Initially, Sierra Club, Defenders of Wildlife and Center for Biological Diversity felt that the companies, SunPower and First Solar, had not gone far enough to mitigate the impacts of the projects.

Luckily, both companies and the national environmental groups have achieved an ideal situation – clean energy and minimal impact on the local habitat.

They have come to an agreement that will go above and beyond the requirements of the County to preserve additional habitat, such as:

  • Bringing the total protected area to 40 square miles;

  • Enhancing migratory corridors by removing 30 miles of fencing;

  • Reducing use of rodenticides that often harm protected and endangered species.

This agreement will help pave a smooth path toward 800 megawatts (MW) of clean, local energy in our region. That's more than enough energy to power over 150,000 homes. We applaud the developers and the organizations for working toward a solution and helping to end our dependence on fossil fuels.


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