Climate Justice > Climate Justice Resources
Climate Justice Resources
People who have been marginalized by deeply-rooted systems of power, oppression, and inequality will be the most disproportionately burdened by climate change, are more sensitive to negative impacts, and have less access to the resources and institutional support needed to build more resilient communities. These groups traditionally have also had less voice in the decisions that shape our community.
We’re working to expand and deepen opportunities for underrepresented communities across the Central Coast to play a key role in planning and implementing climate solutions. Click on any of the links below to explore these resources.
Jen Hernández speaks to CEC’s Climate Justice work
Critical Care Battery Backup
Providing reliable power and keeping customers safe is a priority. We are committed to helping households that require the use of electrically powered medical devices be ready for an unexpected power outage. Our CCBB program offers you a free portable backup battery to power your medical devices in the event of a power outage. And, should the power outage be an emergency that requires you to evacuate, this portable temporary power may also help while you relocate to safety. Learn more
Proporcionar energía fiable y mantener la seguridad de los clientes es una prioridad. Nos comprometemos a ayudar a los hogares que requieren el uso de dispositivos médicos alimentados eléctricamente a estar preparados para un corte de energía inesperado. Nuestro programa CCBB le ofrece una batería portátil de reserva gratuita para alimentar sus dispositivos médicos en caso de apagón. Y, si el corte de energía es una emergencia que requiere que se evacue, esta energía temporal portátil también puede ayudar mientras se traslada a un lugar seguro. Aprende más
Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) Preparedness
Learn how to be prepared for emergencies, outages, and Public Safety Power Shutoffs. https://www.sce.com/wildfire/customer-resources-and-support
Do you need help preparing for Public Safety Power Shutoff events? Get help through the free, confidential referral hotline by dialing 211 or text “PSPS” to 211211. Visit http://211.org for more information, which is available in more than 300 languages.
Prepárate para emergencias, apagones y cortes del suministro eléctrico https://www.sce.com/es/wildfire/customer-resources-and-support
Llame o envíe un mensaje de texto al 211 para obtener ayuda de emergencia durante los cortes del suministro eléctrico (PSPS). https://www.211.org/en-espanol
Medical Baseline
If you rely on medical equipment or devices, SCE can help you reduce the energy costs in your home. Find out if you qualify for the Medical Baseline program. https://sce.com/medicalbaseline
Si dependes de equipos o aparatos médicos, Southern California Edison puede ayudarte a reducir tus costos de electricidad en el hogar. Averigua si calificas para el programa Medical Baseline. https://www.sce.com/es/residential/assistance/medical-baseline