Climate Leadership > CEC’s Climate Stewards Certification Program > FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the course offered?
Currently the course is offered in a series of nine Wednesday evenings, from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., via Zoom, with in person field trips.
How much does the course cost and what does it cover?
The course fee is $350 and covers the cost of instructor time for classes and field trips, as well as UCANR course fees.
Do you offer financial aid?
There are a limited number or full and partial scholarships. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. Diverse candidates are encouraged to apply.
Do I need to live on the California Central Coast to enroll in CEC’s Climate Stewards program?
The mission of CEC's Climate Stewards program is to inform, unite, and activate a broad range of California Central Coast residents to be stewards of climate action so that together, we can move at the unprecedented pace required to reverse, repair, and protect against climate threats. Preference is given to California Central Coast residents. If you reside outside San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, or Ventura Counties, your application will be considered if space allows. Participants must reside in California for the duration of the course.
How much time should I plan for coursework and assignments?
The course is equivalent to a four-unit University of California level class. The general expectation is that it will take about 40 hours to complete all requirements over the course of eight weeks.
What happens if I need to miss a field trip or other meeting date?
All participants may miss one class session and remain eligible for certification. There are also options for independent field trips.
What field trips are a part of the course?
Field trips occur in person and typically take place on Saturdays early in the day. There are usually three-to-four field trips per cohort, mostly centered in Santa Barbara County. Field trips range from visits to local landfills, to beach clean-ups, to tours of conservation sites.
Is this course good for someone who works for a corporation or who runs a small business?
Yes, this course is good for anyone who is looking to make an impact on climate change, no matter your profession. Past participants include small business owners who used the course stewardship project to research and apply for B Corp status and a consultant who helped a small business implement sustainable practices, create workplace environmental committees, and add climate messaging to company communications.
If I’m a parent, will I still have time to do this course?
Yes, we offer the class sessions on Zoom in the evenings to make the class as accessible as possible.
Is this something I could do with my children/grandchildren?
Absolutely - as long as the age requirement is met. Participants must be 18 years of age or older.
For more information, please see:
University of California Climate Stewards Program https://calnat.ucanr.edu/cs/