CEC Climate Stewards: Local Activists Creating Waves of Action

About this webinar

Get inspired by a powerful showcase of community-led action. You’ll hear from a handful of CEC’s Climate Stewards (a growing alumni network now 120+ strong) who will share their experience taking the course, information about the community action projects they designed, and how they are putting new-found climate knowledge to work within their communities. You’ll also learn how you can step up by getting involved in their projects, starting your own, or becoming a CEC Climate Steward.

We are only able to offer webinars like this to the community free of charge, thanks to the generosity of individuals like you. Please consider a gift to CEC in support of programming like this webinar.

Watch the recording to learn how a few of our Certified CEC Climate Stewards are applying what they learned in the certification course and working on impactful community projects like:

  • Creating a resource guide for SB County to connect residents with information/programs that exist


Nohemi Hernandez, Fall 2023 CEC Climate Steward Alum

Ilan MacAdam-Somer, Winter 2023 CEC Climate Steward Alum

Alissa Millar, Fall 2023 CEC Climate Steward Alum

Jasmin Tupy, Spring 2023 CEC Climate Steward Alum


Kathi King, Director of Climate Education & Leadership, CEC Climate Stewards Course Instructor


Ready to join our corps of climate action leaders?

  • Sign up now for the CEC Climate Stewards Certification Course

Still not sure? Learn all about becoming a CEC Climate Steward:

Not able to commit to the Climate Stewards course right now, but still want to take action?

Thank you to our sponsors


Climate Activist Training: How to Participate in Government Meetings Resources Toolkit


CEC Provides Climate Leadership Opportunities