Our Impact

In 2020, a trifecta of interrelated crises – public health, social justice, and natural disasters like extreme heat waves and California’s first gigafire – shone a harsh light on how disasters compound each other, particularly impacting those on the frontlines. Earlier this year, that message was amplified when the White House officially declared a climate emergency responsible for widespread suffering now and in the future.

To protect our communities from climate change, we know that most of the work must be done at the local level. This effort requires bold policies, strong networks, and the ability to quickly scale up working pilots and programs.

Over the last year, we developed a decisive climate action plan and applied CEC’s unique approach to change-making to jump into immediate action, creating a wave of impacts (see the full list in our impact report):

  • 280,000+ pounds of food distributed to low-income families and others in need during COVID

  • 950 people learned how to affordably switch to electric vehicles, underscoring how clean transportation is a smart choice for everyone — including low- to moderate-income drivers

  • 1,395,401 residents now have Community Choice Energy programs in 21 cities across 3 counties

  • 580 people engaged in collaborative resilience planning, including government employees, community-based organizations, social and environmental advocates, community leaders, elected officials, and climate practitioners

The result: CEC grew despite the pandemic and earned accolades for our critical work, including being named 2020 California Nonprofit of the Year. And we did this while earning the highest grades possible for financial health, accountability, and transparency from Guidestar and Charity Navigator.

This on-the-ground momentum is how we will reverse the threat of the climate crisis, transform the systems that fuel it, and safeguard the community from its impacts. As CEC's 2021 Environmental Hero Annie Leonard shared last week, California is the pace car for the world, and the work we do here in the Central Coast accelerates that pace.

The times are calling for us to step up.

Please join us.

Wishing you health,

Sigrid Wright, CEO

Barbara S. Lindemann, Board President

Community Environmental Council

Read The Impact Report

Hear environmental leaders speak to why CEC’s work is critical at the state and global level

CEC 2021 Environmental Hero Annie LeonardExecutive Director of Greenpeace USA

An interview with Terry Tamminenformer California EPA Secretary

More ways CEC is engaging community fight the climate crisis


A Steward for the Planet and the Community Environmental Council


WIN: AB1276 passes to help eliminate single-use plastics from take-out and delivery orders #SkipTheStuff