A space for learning.

Community Environmental Council Hosts 2024 Green Gala: “Regeneration” – A Celebration of Hope and Climate Action
Community Environmental Council Hosts 2024 Green Gala: “Regeneration” – A Celebration of Hope and Climate Action

Local Hero: Sigrid Wright
Blue Dot Living features CEC CEO Sigrid Wright, and her long history with the organization.

CEC’s New Environmental Hub Sprouts in the Heart of Downtown Santa Barbara
CEC’s New Environmental Hub is A Focal Point and Incubator for Climate Activism and Awareness

Community Environmental Council's “Protect Our Climate Campaign” Raises $16.97 Million, Surpassing Goal
After hosting more than 22,000 community members back to Alameda Park for the Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival in late April—the first time since 2019—today, we announced the success of CEC’s 50th Anniversary Protect Our Climate Campaign.

National Climate Progress Takes Local Climate Action
The two of us have joined forces with many others in our community on a clear mission. We are running a race to protect a fundamental aspect of life on earth: a safe livable climate.

Community Environmental Council CEO/Executive Director shares her reaction to President Joe Biden's signing of the Inflation Reduction Act into law:
"Today is a good day for the planet and a time for all of our fellow climate activists to CELEBRATE. The President has signed into law the largest single investment in combating climate change EVER.”

Statement from CEC CEO/Executive Director Sigrid Wright on Today’s Supreme Court Ruling
In response to today’s Supreme Court ruling on the Environmental Protection Agency's ability to broadly regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants, Community Environmental Council CEO/Executive Director, Sigrid Wright released the following statement:

Climate: Front and Center
The White House used the Summit of the Americas as an opportunity to make significant global commitments to combating the climate crises. I took special note of the following advancements that relate to the progress the Community Environmental Council is making in our region.

A New Home for CEC: Where We’re Going and Where We’ve Been
As we enter a new year, CEC is significantly expanding our staff and programming to meet the increasing demands of the climate crisis. To accommodate this growth, we are moving around the corner to 1219 State St., where CEC will once again have street level presence in the center of the community.

CEC Honored as a 2020 California Nonprofit of the Year
“The award comes during CEC’s 50th anniversary year, underscoring that our work is more critical to the community than ever.”

The Right to Breathe
This will not be a lyrical post, but rather a stuttering gasp of grief and impotent rage after witnessing – as we all did this week – the cries of an unarmed man for the most basic human right: the right to breathe.

Navigating by New Constellations
Lately, with our collective navigational instruments on the blink, dials spinning uselessly, I awake from sleep and find myself curled into the shape of a question mark, as if to reflect back all the unknowns of this time.

Unraveling the Kinks in the Local Food Chain to Build and Sustain a Resilient Food System
Like a heat map, the COVID-19 pandemic has drawn attention to areas of strain, places where we need to pay greater attention. One of the most noticeable of these is the food system.

The Long Emergency
Recently it’s felt like we’ve been living in a near-constant state of emergency. In fact I have on my nightstand a book of that title – Living in the Long Emergency, which I have yet to read. The truth is that the joint crises of a global pandemic, a deeply flawed economic system, structural racism, fraying political institutions, and growing climate chaos don't leave me with a lot of enthusiasm for this as a bedtime story.

Burn Your Maps
After months of pandemic-induced disruption at so many levels, I find it liberating to realize that the times we are in may just be demanding that we let go of where we wish we were, set a new course, and burn our old maps for fuel.

The Earth Without Us: An Earth Day Reflection from Sigrid Wright
Here we are, weeks and months into an unprecedented global exploration into isolation due to COVID-19. And once again, the most poignant takeaway of this new territory may very well be our keen rediscovery of how our lives depend on one another.