
A space for learning.

Revertir, Reparar, Proteger: Plan de acción climática audaz del CEC
Climate Resilience Guest User Climate Resilience Guest User

Revertir, Reparar, Proteger: Plan de acción climática audaz del CEC

La Casa Blanca ha declarado oficialmente que estamos en una emergencia climática. Es hora de apoyarse en soluciones locales como nunca lo hemos hecho, y eso significa una acción climática implacable, enfocada, inclusiva y valiente en la Costa Central.

CEC (Consejo Comunitario del Medio Ambiente por sus siglas en inglés) delineado un plan ambicioso sobre cómo nuestra comunidad puede enfrentar este momento urgente y trabajar juntos para detener la crisis climática, de manera rápida y equitativa, a través de tres esfuerzos principales:

Cero carbono: Trabajando para que no haya nuevas emisiones

Carbono negativo: Aprovechar el poder de la naturaleza para eliminar el exceso de carbono de la atmósfera

Protección del clima: Abordar los impactos del cambio climático que ya están en marcha

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Reverse. Repair. Protect. CEC’s Bold Climate Action Plan
Climate Resilience, Hub Guest User Climate Resilience, Hub Guest User

Reverse. Repair. Protect. CEC’s Bold Climate Action Plan

The White House has officially declared we are in a climate emergency. It’s time to lean into local solutions like never before – and that means unrelenting, focused, inclusive, and courageous climate action on the Central Coast.

CEC has outlined an ambitious plan for how our community can meet this urgent moment and go all in together on halting the climate crisis – rapidly and equitably – through three major efforts:

Reverse: Push for ambitious, equitable zero emissions and zero waste goals for the energy, transportation, food, and agriculture sectors

Repair: Tap into the power of nature to draw down excess carbon from the atmosphere and repair the disrupted carbon cycle

Protect: Safeguard the health of our general public and vulnerable populations from the impacts of climate change already underway

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Creating a Shock-Proof Local Food System
Climate Resilience, Hub Guest User Climate Resilience, Hub Guest User

Creating a Shock-Proof Local Food System

Over the last few months, we’ve witnessed in real time how shocks to the globalized food system impact one of the most basic human rights: the right to healthy, accessible food. Entangled in the global COVID-19 pandemic and climate-related disasters are layers of wealth, race, privilege and language that affect the ability of Central Coast communities to survive and thrive.

In this webinar, we explored how CEC’s Food Rescue program and other local efforts are working to support those most vulnerable to hunger – particularly students, unsheltered populations, farm workers and seniors. We also discussed the work of the Santa Barbara County Food Action Network to equitably stitch together the torn fabrics of our food system – from local farmers and fishermen, to local restaurants and distributors.

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Inside Julia’s Kitchen: Meet Julia Blanton, SBC Food Rescue Program Coordinator</a>
Climate Resilience, Hub Guest User Climate Resilience, Hub Guest User

Inside Julia’s Kitchen: Meet Julia Blanton, SBC Food Rescue Program Coordinator

Recently on Inside Julia’s Kitchen, a podcast of The Julia Child Foundation for Gastronomy and the Culinary Arts, host Todd Schulkin talked with CEC’s SBC Food Rescue Coordinator Julia Blanton about food rescue and how it has been used to address food insecurity and put restaurants back to work during the Covid-19 pandemic. Plus, Julia shares her “Julia Moment”.

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Battling Climate Change with Healthy Soils
Climate Resilience Guest User Climate Resilience Guest User

Battling Climate Change with Healthy Soils

CEC is excited to announce that, in partnership with the Ventura County Resource Conservation District, the Limoneira Company, Agromin, and the UC Cooperative Extension, we have been awarded a grant from the California Department of Food and Agriculture to study and demonstrate the benefits of soil health and “carbon farming” practices in Ventura County.

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Combatting Hunger and Pollution with CalRecycle Grant
Climate Resilience Guest User Climate Resilience Guest User

Combatting Hunger and Pollution with CalRecycle Grant

Food waste makes up nearly 20 percent of California’s disposal stream. At CEC, we are proud to share we were one of 36 grant recipients chosen by the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) to work toward projects that prevent waste, reduce pollution, and combat climate change by getting good food to Californians who need it.

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