
A space for learning.

WIN: AB1276 passes to help eliminate single-use plastics from take-out and delivery orders #SkipTheStuff

WIN: AB1276 passes to help eliminate single-use plastics from take-out and delivery orders #SkipTheStuff

Thank you for helping pass AB1276! We now have a policy in place that requires that restaurants and online food delivery platforms list the accessories they provide so that customers can choose only what they need. This will help eliminate millions of tons of single-use foodware from entering the waste stream. Local jurisdictions are creating their own implementation strategies and CEC is working with the City of Goleta in the hopes that they will include an EPS (Styrofoam) ban in their plan.

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Reverse. Repair. Protect. CEC’s Bold Climate Action Plan
Climate Resilience, Hub Guest User Climate Resilience, Hub Guest User

Reverse. Repair. Protect. CEC’s Bold Climate Action Plan

The White House has officially declared we are in a climate emergency. It’s time to lean into local solutions like never before – and that means unrelenting, focused, inclusive, and courageous climate action on the Central Coast.

CEC has outlined an ambitious plan for how our community can meet this urgent moment and go all in together on halting the climate crisis – rapidly and equitably – through three major efforts:

Reverse: Push for ambitious, equitable zero emissions and zero waste goals for the energy, transportation, food, and agriculture sectors

Repair: Tap into the power of nature to draw down excess carbon from the atmosphere and repair the disrupted carbon cycle

Protect: Safeguard the health of our general public and vulnerable populations from the impacts of climate change already underway

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Eating, Drinking, and Breathing Plastic
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Eating, Drinking, and Breathing Plastic

Explore how CEC and partner Santa Barbara Channelkeeper have been working for over a decade to reduce the Central Coast’s dependence on single-use plastic. This event focused on the connection between our health and plastic at a time when the industry is using the pandemic crisis to roll back regulations on plastic bags and other packaging.

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Getting Real About Plastic and Recycling
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Getting Real About Plastic and Recycling

Learn about updates to the Ablitt’s film plastic program and review the dos and don’ts for Santa Barbara’s blue recycling bins with waste management experts from the City of Santa Barbara and MarBorg.

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Creating a Shock-Proof Local Food System
Climate Resilience, Hub Guest User Climate Resilience, Hub Guest User

Creating a Shock-Proof Local Food System

Over the last few months, we’ve witnessed in real time how shocks to the globalized food system impact one of the most basic human rights: the right to healthy, accessible food. Entangled in the global COVID-19 pandemic and climate-related disasters are layers of wealth, race, privilege and language that affect the ability of Central Coast communities to survive and thrive.

In this webinar, we explored how CEC’s Food Rescue program and other local efforts are working to support those most vulnerable to hunger – particularly students, unsheltered populations, farm workers and seniors. We also discussed the work of the Santa Barbara County Food Action Network to equitably stitch together the torn fabrics of our food system – from local farmers and fishermen, to local restaurants and distributors.

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Inside Julia’s Kitchen: Meet Julia Blanton, SBC Food Rescue Program Coordinator</a>
Climate Resilience, Hub Guest User Climate Resilience, Hub Guest User

Inside Julia’s Kitchen: Meet Julia Blanton, SBC Food Rescue Program Coordinator

Recently on Inside Julia’s Kitchen, a podcast of The Julia Child Foundation for Gastronomy and the Culinary Arts, host Todd Schulkin talked with CEC’s SBC Food Rescue Coordinator Julia Blanton about food rescue and how it has been used to address food insecurity and put restaurants back to work during the Covid-19 pandemic. Plus, Julia shares her “Julia Moment”.

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Divert Film Plastic and Styrofoam
Hub Kathi King Hub Kathi King

Divert Film Plastic and Styrofoam

The Community Environmental Council (CEC) and Santa Barbara Channelkeeper (SBCK) are pleased to support Ablitt’s Fine Cleaners in collecting and repurposing hard-to-recycle film plastics.

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WIN: City of Santa Barbara moves to #DitchPlastic
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WIN: City of Santa Barbara moves to #DitchPlastic

Your support helped the City of Santa Barbara continue to ditch single-use plastic. With a hundred signatures and individuals showing up to testify at City Council, a ban on Styrofoam food service items & retail sales will go into effect January 1, 2019, as well as a ban on plastic straws with a provision that food providers must ask customers if they need plastic cutlery or stirrers before providing.

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A Lunch Service for the Planet
Hub CEC Staff Hub CEC Staff

A Lunch Service for the Planet

For several years, the online learning company has provided free daily lunch for employees. Now the Carpinteria-based company is helping employees Ditch Plastic by piloting a reusable container system for those who want to take their lunch to-go.

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From Day One
Hub CEC Staff Hub CEC Staff

From Day One

3,292. That’s how many disposable diapers the typical baby uses in its first year, and all of them go into a landfill.

80. That’s about how many cloth diapers Dexter used in his first year, and none of them went into a landfill.

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Reducing Plastic Through Refills
Hub Emily DeMarco Hub Emily DeMarco

Reducing Plastic Through Refills

For years, Peter Tatikian and his wife, Kelley Skumautz, have made a game out of avoiding buying single-use plastic bags. This has been especially interesting when it comes to picking up after their terrier/chihuahua mix, Ollie. It takes a little more creativity on every dog walk. “We have become very inventive in finding bags to pick up poop,” Peter says. This has included paper wrappers, tortilla chip bags, frozen vegetable packaging, and even the plastic mailing sleeves that magazines get mailed in.

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Drinking It In: Eliminating single-use plastic bottles
Hub CEC Staff Hub CEC Staff

Drinking It In: Eliminating single-use plastic bottles

Rethink the Drink started in 2010 with a simple concept: provide schools with an alternative to single-use plastic water bottles and see if habit change followed. Four years later, we are proud to report that habit change is indeed possible. There are now 39 water refill stations in schools and community facilities across Santa Barbara County, and they have been used more than 870,000 times. Creating a single plastic water bottle emits 2.6 pounds of carbon dioxide, thus the amount of carbon dioxide emissions mitigated by our refill stations is more than 2 million pounds.

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