CEC's Past Legislative Slate

CEC regularly initiates or signs on to letters to state and regional officials on issues effecting climate change. Here are where each of these legislative and policy pieces stand today.

CEC’s Policy Advocacy Work in 2016

  • Prop 67 California Plastic Bag Ban Veto Referendum – Successfully supported; voted into law November 2016

  • AJR 43 Greenhouse Gases: Climate Change – Successfully supported; signed into law September 2016

  • SB 32 California Global Warming Solutions Act – Successfully supported; signed into law September 2016

  • AB 1110 Greenhouse Gases Emissions Intensity Reporting: Retail Electricity Suppliers – Neutral stance; signed into law September 2016

  • H.R. 8 Energy Security & Infrastructure Act of 2015 – Oppose unless amended; awaiting reconciliation of House and Senate versions of the Bill

In addition to the bills above, CEC also voiced:

  • Support of additional funding for Community Choice Energy

  • Support of the Healthy Soils Initiative signed by Governor Brown August 31, 2016

  • Opposition to the Tajiguas Resource Recovery Project, currently under review

    CEC’s Policy Advocacy Work in 2015

  • AB 117 Public Resources – Successfully supported

  • AB 190 Single-use Carryout Bag Ban Repeal - Opposed - Currently in Committee

  • AB 191 Single-use Paper Bag Charge Repeal - Opposed- Currently in Committee

  • AB 864 Oil Spill Prevention – Supported Successfully

  • AB 888 Plastic Micro-bead Pollution - Supported Successfully

  • AB 1110 Emissions Reporting – Opposed Successfully

  • SB 414 Rapid Oil Spill Response Act – Supported Successfully

  • SB 350 Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act of 2015 – supported successfully

  • SB 367 Agriculture Climate Benefits Act – Supported – Currently in committee

  • SB 788 California Coastal Protection Act of 2015 – Supported – Currently held in committee

  • SB 1096 Oil and Gas Extraction: Coastal Sanctuaries- Supported– Died in Committee

In addition to the bills above, CEC also voiced:

  • Support of the continuation of Solar Energy Net Metering through the CPUC

  • Support of an Update to the Santa Barbara City Bicycle Master Plan

  • Support of a 1,000 MTCO2e/year bright-line threshold for new sources of Greenhouse Gas Emission in Santa Barbara County under the California Environmental Quality Act

  • Support of Commuter Rail Service in Santa Barbara

  • Support of increased oil pipeline inspections

  • Opposition to the proposed increase to “Exit Fees” which would raise energy prices for CCA customers

  • Opposition to the proposed Oil Train (Phillips 66 Rail Spur in Nipomo)

  • Opposition to Residential Rate Design proposed by the CPUC



Impressive Year Brings Hope


CEC's Past Legislative Slate: 2015-2016