Climate Activist Training: How to Participate in Government Meetings Resources Toolkit

CEC was thrilled to host the recent Climate Activist Training—our first-ever hybrid, bilingual event where we shared guidance on getting involved in local policy and CEC’s latest climate policy actions. Thank you to everyone who attended, and a special thanks to Port Hueneme Mayor Bobby Martinez and Fillmore Council Member Christina Villaseñor for contributing to the fruitful conversation about participating in public meetings. During the event, we covered:

  • How to attend city council, board of supervisors, and other government meetings

  • How to review an agenda

  • How to make an effective public comment

If you missed the training, have additional questions, or just need a recap, watch the recording or view the presentation below. We’ve also put together a list of resources to help you weigh in on important local policy decisions in your community.

Help advance strong climate policy in your community

Become a CEC Climate Activist: If you live in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, or Ventura County, sign up to receive email alerts when policy decisions are underway in your community.

Learn more about CEC’s climate policy work

  • Read our 2022-23 Policy Platform: Find out what climate action CEC has worked on to advance strong climate policy across the Central Coast, and stay tuned for our 2024 Policy Platform.

  • Review our top policy actions of 2023: Learn about the policy actions CEC has taken with community members and partners across San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties to advance bold climate policies.

  • Check out this op-ed by CEC's CEO Sigrid Wright: An Ecological Framework for Revitalizing the City Core, which outlines how we can plan for a vibrant City of Santa Barbara–and cities everywhere–in the face of climate change.

Have additional questions or feedback?

Contact CEC’s Climate Policy Associate Farah Stack at

Upcoming Events

Nonprofit- Career Workshop

Tuesdays, January 16-30, 2024
6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

CEC Environmental Hub, 1219 State St., Santa Barbara

The Community Environmental Council, in partnership with Career Development Manager and Climate Steward Alumni David Telleen-Lawton, is offering a free three-part workshop designed for you to learn the mindset, the standard of performance, and the skill set for finding a role that fits your interests, experience, and skills within the non-profit world. The workshop sessions will take place in person at CEC’s Environmental Hub, 1219 State St. on Tuesdays, January 16, 23, & 30. Participation is limited to eight people.

People’s Hearing on Climate Action

Thursday, January 25, 2024
6:00 - 8:30 p.m.

CEC Environmental Hub, 1219 State St., Santa Barbara

Save the date! The Climate Protection and Restoration Initiative is hosting their third public hearing on climate action in Santa Barbara at the Community Environmental Council’s Environmental Hub. The hearing will focus on the role of the federal government in accelerating our response to climate change. Come hear local experts testify on the topic and provide your input. CEC is a co-host of this event. Register now.

For a full list of events, click here.


Capacitación para activistas ambientales: Guía de recursos sobre cómo participar en reuniones gubernamentales


Capacitación para activistas ambientales: Guía de recursos sobre cómo participar en reuniones gubernamentales