
A space for learning.

How my family is getting fossil fuels out of our life — and how you can too
Michael Chiacos Michael Chiacos

How my family is getting fossil fuels out of our life — and how you can too

There are now many fantastic solutions that make it possible for individuals and households to ditch fossil fuels. My family was fortunate enough to purchase a small house in 2010, and over the past decade we have reduced our daily fossil fuel use by about 95%. Below you’ll find 10 powerful actions so that you can too! 

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WIN: City of Santa Barbara sets bold goal of Carbon Neutrality by 2035
Michael Chiacos Michael Chiacos

WIN: City of Santa Barbara sets bold goal of Carbon Neutrality by 2035

We did it! Join us in applauding the City of Santa Barbara for joining the City of San Luis Obispo in setting a goal of Carbon Neutrality by 2035. On the heels of Governor Newsom's executive order to advance key zero-emission climate goals to 2035, this decision represents a momentous step forward for our city, our region, and our state.

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WIN: Help speed the transition to electric vehicles #driveclean
Cameron Gray Cameron Gray

WIN: Help speed the transition to electric vehicles #driveclean

In 2019, CEC was able to have follow-up conversations with our Electric Drive 805 partners and work with them to streamline permitting for EV charging stations. This laid the groundwork for Electric Drive 805 to launch the South Central Coast CALeVIP program in 2021, providing $12 million in new state funding to build new EV charging stations in our region.

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A Workplace Charging Station Win
Jen Hernandez-Munoz Jen Hernandez-Munoz

A Workplace Charging Station Win

Dona is an Oxnard resident who spent a couple of years planning to purchase an electric vehicle (EV). Motivated by the potential fuel savings and minimal maintenance, as well as her desire to live more sustainably, she had done a lot of research. Then her employer, the Port of Hueneme, installed EV charging stations in their parking lot. She decided to make the leap.

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An Interview with a Happy BMW i3 Owner
Jen Hernandez-Munoz Jen Hernandez-Munoz

An Interview with a Happy BMW i3 Owner

CEC sat down recently with Krystalin, a Ventura resident who made the switch to a BMW i3. Below, she shares what motivated her to buy an all-electric vehicle, how it fits her daily life, why she sees herself as an EV advocate, and what challenges she hopes to see alleviated in the future as clean transportation becomes the norm.

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Local Governments Say Yes to Electric Vehicles
Guest User Guest User

Local Governments Say Yes to Electric Vehicles

CEC has long been on the front lines of advocating and developing infrastructure for a transition to electric vehicles in our region. This year has seen big strides with local governments adopting strategies to move their fleets to electric vehicles and to provide more charging access to employees and the public.

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Saving Money by Driving Electric
Guest User Guest User

Saving Money by Driving Electric

With a variety of incentives and an increasing variety of electric vehicles coming onto market, electric vehicles are more affordable than ever. Find out how one couple – Forrest and Mandy Blanton – saved thousands in the past five years by choosing to drive electric.

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WIN: Go electric MTD #driveclean
Michael Chiacos Michael Chiacos

WIN: Go electric MTD #driveclean

Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District voted unanimously to set a goal of 100% all-electric buses by 2030, joining Los Angeles and seven other California Transit Agencies. Setting this goal will lead to cleaner air, cut climate pollution, improve the health of our region’s residents, and increase jobs.

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