Climate-Smart Agriculture > Elderberry Project

Elderberry Project

Expanding the production of elderberries in the Western U.S. presents an opportunity to demonstrate climate-smart growing practices, meet growing market demand, support small farmers to increase their economic viability, and reduce carbon emissions. Funded by the USDA’s Partnerships in Climate Smart Commodities, this ground-breaking, farm-to-shelf initiative aims to build watershed resilience and support our agricultural community while bringing a climate-appropriate crop to the marketplace. 

We’re honored to collaborate with a diverse group of regional partners on this multi-year initiative to provide a holistic solution supporting ecological regeneration, community resilience, and marketplace diversification. Our partners include White Buffalo Land Trust, Chamberlin Ranch, WILD FARMLANDS FOUNDATION, Orella Ranch, Santa Ynez Chumash Environmental Office, UC Agriculture & Natural Resources including UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, Propagate, Beyond the Farm (a consultancy focused on building marketplace supply of climate-smart ingredients), Jungle Beverage Company, JustOne Organics, and Cage Free Productions.

The Elderberry Project will establish thousands of plantings across multiple landscapes in our Central Coast region, support farmers and ranchers in the maintenance and harvest of the crop, build out a regional processing facility, develop new brand partnerships and products, and support education and storytelling through a range of platforms over the next five years. 

As we embark on this journey, we are excited to share the knowledge, practices, and exceptional products with our community.

Read more in this recent story by the Santa Barbara Independent: