Our Investors
CEC makes an impact on the long-term health of our region by taking specific actions on the ground, while also working to transform a web of systems to reverse, repair, and protect our climate. Our work is made possible by the generosity and support of investors.
Thank you to the following donors who gave generously in 2023 and/or through major gifts to CEC’s 50th Anniversary Protect Our Climate Campaign:
Livable World Legacy Society
Angela Antenore
Diane Boss
Catherine Brozowski & Steve Conner
Katie Davis
Chris & Bob DeVries
Laura Francis - Sea Forward Fund
Lee E. Heller
Sharyn Main & James Hodgson
Terry & Jane Honikman
Judi Stauffer & Rick Hubbard
Karl & Nancy Hutterer
Bonnie Jensen
John & Karen Jostes
Jean Kaplan
Bruce Kendall
Charles D. Kimbell
Marc McGinnes
Jessica & Michael McLernon
Carla Frisk & Jeff Newton
Mike & Betty Noling
Dennis Thompson & Lois Phillips
Paul Relis & Fanny Pearce
Michel Saint-Sulpice & Mary Staton
Ilene Segalove
John & Suzanne Steed
David & Karen Telleen-Lawton
Sally Warner-Arnett & G. William Arnett
Sigrid Wright & Matt Parisi
In memory of:
Jane & Robert O. Easton
Genevieve Estes
Ghita & Paul Ginberg
Selma Rubin
Tomi & Bob Sollen
$1 Million+
James S. Bower Foundation
Patricia and Paul Bragg Foundation
Zegar Family Foundation
Hutton Parker Foundation
Dorothy Largay & Wayne Rosing
Judy & Jack Stapelmann
Tom & Sheila Cullen
Natalie Orfalea Foundation
Michel Saint-Sulpice & Mary Staton
Yardi Systems
Ann Jackson Family Foundation
Anonymous, in honor of Karl Hutterer
Mary Becker
Leslie Sweem Bhutani & Ashish Bhutani, in honor of Pat & Derrell Sweem
Diane Boss
Elisabeth & Greg Fowler
John C. Mithun Foundation
Patricia MacFarlane
Charles & Betsy Newman
Stacy & Ron Pulice
Matt & Andrea Riley
John & Suzanne Steed
Elizabeth Weber
Dennis Allen & Jennifer Cushnie
Katie Davis
Emily, Dan, Casey & Willow Engel
Errett Fisher Foundation
Carolyn & Andrew Fitzgerald
Laura Francis
Karl & Nancy Hutterer
Bonnie Jensen & Dick Jensen
Living Peace Foundation
Santa Barbara Foundation
Sara Miller McCune
Ken & Jo Saxon
Peter Schuyler & Lisa Stratton
Anne Smith Towbes & Michael Smith, in honor of Hal Conklin
Weingart Foundation
Sally Warner-Arnett & G. William Arnett
Marguerite & Richard Berti, in honor of Hal Conklin
Carolyn Cogan, in honor of Jules Zimmer
Gene & Deanna Dongeiux
El Gato Channel Foundation
Tisha Weber Ford
Kristin & Richard Hogue
John & Karen Jostes
Charles D. Kimbell
Carrie Towbes & John Lewis
Barbara & Albert Lindemann
Elliott MacDougall
McCune Foundation
Jessica & Michael McLernon
SAGE Publishing
Leanne Schlinger
Stacy & Scott Semel
Holly & Lanny Sherwin
Geof & Laura Wyatt, in honor of Kathi King
Wally Arnold
Lynn Sarko & Laurie Ashton
Audacious Foundation
Audi Santa Barbara - Santa Barbara Auto Group**
B & B Foundation
Chris & Wendy Blau
Ruth H. Brown Foundation
Chandler & Nicole Buie
Bunnin Chevrolet**
City of Santa Barbara**
The Crawford Idema Family Foundation
Cultivate Events*
Dave & Jean Davis
Gwen Dawson
Deckers Outdoor Corporation
James & Deanna Dehlsen
Nicole Delesalle*
Allyson & John Harris Du Bois
Brad Fiedel & Ann Dusenberry
Nadra Ehrman
Oliver English*
Dodd & Beth Geiger
Ginberg Family Trust
Martin Gore
Belle Hahn
Holdfast Collective
JL Foundation
KARL STORZ Imaging, in honor of Hal Conklin
Bruce Kendall & Michelle Kendall
Pat McElroy & Bonnie Kerwin
Kind World Foundation
Pippa Hames-Knowlton & Christopher Knowlton
MarBorg Industries**
Maryanne Mott, in honor of Hal Conklin
Matilija Pure Water Systems*
Mike & Betty Noling
The Outhwaite Foundation
Pacific Beverage Co.**
Paul Relis & Fanny Pearce
David N. Pellow
PHAROS Creative, LLC*
Polestar Los Angeles**
Randy Solakian Estates Group
Tony & Kyra Rogers
The SAGE Trust
Brett Mathews & Ginger Salazar
Santa Barbara Independent*
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians**
Ken & Jo Saxon, in honor of Hal Conklin
Bryan & Eva Schreier
Herbert Schulte
Judy Stauffer & Rick Hubbard
Seth Streeter - Mission Wealth Management
Tana Sommer-Belin
Tomchin Family Charitable Foundation
Sherry Villanueva
WWW Foundation
Barbara Delaune Warren
Christel Wittenstein
Clifford & Crystal Wyatt
Katherine & Stephanie Yeung
Gail Osherenko & Oran Young
Ariadne Wealth Management
Allen Construction
Joseph Andrulaitis & Kent Mixon - Andrulaitis + Mixon Architects
Debbie Arnesen
William & Deirdre Arntz
B&B Foundation
Diane Beamer
Boone Graphics*
Brander Vineyard*
Brighten Solar**
Brittingham Family Foundation
Bye Bye Mattress**
Karen & Peter Brill
Aniston Breslin
Laura Capps
Central Coast Clean Cities Coalition**
Central Coast Community Energy**
Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Fiat of Santa Barbara**
Catherine Brozowski & Steve Conner
Cox Communications**
Julie Capritto
John & Marcia Cohen
Jon & Susan Clark
Mally Chakola & Dean Jackson
Shawn Dailey
Dancing Tides Foundation
Nicole Delesalle*
Christine & Robert DeVries
Judy & Rob Egenolf
El Gato Channel Foundation**
Electric Bikes of Santa Barbara**
Dan Emmett
Claire & Lars Fackler
Brian Fahnestock
Jean Farley
Judith Favor, In Memoriam
Janet Garufis
Ken & Nancy Goldsholl
Willliam Goldsmith
Geoff Green
Grid Alternatives**
Jay Grigsby
Barbara Hirsch
Denis & Gail Hayes
Cameron Gray & Julie Heider-Gray
Jeremy Hilton
Islay Events*
Sharon James
Sharyn Johnson
Johnson Ohana Foundation
Jean Kaplan
Edward & Martha Kaufman
KIVA Cowork
Kleid Family Charitable Fund
Ruth Loomer
Karen Lehrer
Louise LaMothe
MN Studio
McConnell’s Fine Ice Creams*,**
Sally MacIntyre & John Melack
Montecito Bank & Trust**
Montecito Union School Nature Lab*
Moller Family Foundation
Kimberly Monda
Sally Morgan
Pete & Jillian Muller
Ben Sprague & Analise Maggio
Optimize Your Water*
PALMA Colectiva*
Constance Penley
Ivette Peralta
Dennis Thompson & Lois Phillips
Katy Powers
Rad Power Bikes**
Russell Radom
Carrie & Mike Randolph
Edgar Rhodes
Lisa Murphy Rivas
Rosenthal-Cohen Foundation
Sandhi Wines*
Laurie Ashton & Lynn Sarko
SBCC Foundation**
SBC Food Action Network**
SBC Air Pollution Control District**
James Semick
Justin Fantl & Katrina Sprague
Adam Stempel
SBC Air Pollution Control District**
Sunkissed Pantry**
Swell Energy Inc.**
Solminer Wine Company*
Eric & Anita Sonquist
Terra Malia Designs*
Tri-County Regional Energy Network (3C-REN)**
Trippers & Askers*
Edward & Joan Tomeo
Bickley Townsend
Stacey & Christopher Ulep
Carol Vernon
Ventura Volkswagen**
Voice Magazine*
Whole Foods Market*
White Buffalo Land Trust*
William & Mary Zant
Danna & Zohar Ziv
Michael Ableman
Rachel Altman
Corey Anderson
Angela Antenore
Apiary Beverage Co.*
Joan Ariel
Grant Bane
Jeremy Bassan
Mary Baum
Elisa Atwill
Autumn Brands*
Jeremy Becker
Jocelyn Belloni
Megan Birney Rudert
Dianne Black
Ronald Blitzer
Steve Brillhart
Elizabeth Brown
W. Elliot Brownlee
Burns Levinson LLP
Pamela Bury
John Campanella
Canopy Club
Lois Capps
Nancy Clare Caponi
Geoffrey Carter
Claude Case
Sarah Cetrulo
Russell Chamberlin
Danuta Charwat-Mccall
Charu Chaubal
Linda Cheresh
Lee Chiacos
Darlene Chirman
Kate Christensen
Barbara Clark
Stephen & Marian Cohen
Dianne Coin
Irene Cooke
Michael & Marni Cooney
Carol Cottom
Rachel Couch
Margaret Crocco
John & Maria Felice Cunningham
David Cutler-Kreutz
Cuyama Beverage Co.*
Carla D’Antonio
Lynn Darnton
Michael Dean
Janet DeBard
Rita Donahoe
Ydun Donahoe
Bradley Dyruff
Sandra Eacret
Nicole Eads
Terry Eagle
Harriet Eckstein
Jon Edwards
Robert Else
Vivian Engel
Cassandra Ensberg
Elizabeth Fallows
Bill Ferguson
Philip Fine
Dick Flacks
Flair Project*
Cecilia Flanagan
Melissa Fontaine
John Forrest
Kristen Frascella
Carla Frisk
Flair Project*
Jonathan Gartner
Tish Gainey
John Gerig
Lucia Gill
Stephanie Glatt
Jessica Graham
Sandra Grasso-Boyd & Bill Boyd
Dwight Gregory
Frances Hahn
Michael Hamman
Ali & Drew Hanson
Bethany Harkrider
Gregg Hart
Barbara & Roy Harthorn
Jerry Hatchett
Paul Hayes & Maggie Moss Tucker
Julie Hayes-Nadler
Lee E. Heller
David Hennerman
Kelly Herting
Mary Heyden
Kelly Hildner
Lisa & Andrew Hill
Ashley Hollister
J.B. Holmes
Jean Holsten
Whitney Hoover
Mary E Howe-Grant
Jennifer Hulford
Hannah-Beth Jackson
Mary Jacob
Steve Jacobsen
Vijaya Jammalamadaka
Marian Jean
Emily Jensen
Ivor & Jean John
Mary Johnson
Ruth Johnson
Tammy & Belma Michael Johnson
David Jones
Thomas Kearns
Patricia Kelley
Hugh Kelly
Kathi & Jeff King
Scott Kipp
Jonah Klein
Kristen Koch
Whitney Kopf
Sara Kvaas
Lawrence Livermore National Labs
Mike Lazaro
David Landecker
Jennifer LeMay
Rikard Lesley
Kirsten Liske
Betty Little
RT Livingston
Brian Lloyd
Fred Loquasto III
Stacey Lydon
Mike & Mary Lynn Mallen
Connie Maday
Blake & Jennifer Markham
Gail Marshall
Jerry Martin
Sarah Martin
A. Michael Marzolla
Nancy McConnell
James McGee
Janet McGinnis
Riva McLernon
Antoinette McQueen
Megan Miley
Anne Milgrim
Clare Miner-McMahon
Jolea Moes
Richard Mokler
Leigh Ann Montano
Wayne Morgan
Gordon & Sheila Morrel
Allen Mosher
Sierra Muller
Joan & Bill Murdoch
Mark & Shira Musicant
Robert Mustacich
Steve Nelson
Ginger & Daniel Oros
Carl Palmer
Kendall Pata
Paypal Giving Fund
Lanette Perry
April Peterson
Gregg Peterson
Kathy Pfeifer
Michelle Pickett
Sarah Pizzaruso
Bill Pollock
Jeanie-Marie Price
Gail Rappaport
Melissa Riparetti-Stepien
Jessica Risko Smith
Alan Roberson
The Roddick Foundation
Doug Roberts
James Robertson
Gilbert Robledo
Yolanda Robles
Anthony Rodale
Burt Romotsky
Susan Rose
Marian & Steve Rothstein
Marni Cooney Rudert
Carol Sacks
Satellite SB*
Edward & Judith Savage
Peter Sawyer
Amy Schneider
Carol Schwyzer
Lilyan Cuttler & Ned Seder
Richard Segan, in honor of David Segan
Patricia Selbert
Henry Selick
Dana Seltzer
Brian Smith
Kristen Sneddon
Solminer Wine*
Virginia Souza
Lynne Sprecher
Jim Street
David Swanson
Luke Swetland
Karen & David Telleen-Lawton
Jenna Tosh
Nancy Tubiolo
Maureen Tunney
Alan Turnbull
Topa Topa Brewing Company*
Trinity Episcopal Church**
Ventura Rentals
Ventura Spirits*
Gene & Amy Zak Urban
Elizabeth Wagner
Rance Wall & Deborah Williams
Michelle Weinman
Corey Welles
Sherri West
Kathleen Wheeler
Gilbert White
Sheila White
Tracey Willfong
Das Williams
Sara Woodburn
Janet Wolf
Bob & Robbie Wright, in honor of Sigrid Wright
Wild Farmlands Foundation
Wylde Works*
Yola Mezcal*
*Indicates all, or part, was an in-kind gift
**Indicates 2023 Earth Day