The Plastic Crisis: Science and Solutions

About this webinar

Plastic is everywhere. As a result, our bodies and natural systems contain multitudes of harmful microplastics. In addition, fossil fuel-based plastic manufacturing disproportionately impacts communities of color while exacerbating the climate crisis. 

For the health of our planet and the people living on it, we need to drastically reduce the amount of plastics entering the environment and our bodies. Current sustainable solutions are still a privilege. In order to shift away from our current model of excessive plastic consumption, we need inclusive solutions that effectively reduce production and encourage reuse.

Hear from CEC and Plastic Free Future founders Alejandra Warren (CEC’s 2024 Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival Environmental Hero) and Dr. Matt Warren to learn about the science behind the plastic crisis and to discuss solutions that can lead us to a healthier, cleaner, and plastic-free future. 

We are only able to offer webinars like this to the community free of charge, thanks to the generosity of individuals like you. Please consider a gift to CEC in support of programming like this webinar.

Watch the recording to learn about:

  • Lifestyle changes that cut plastics out of your life

  • Collective actions that can increase access to sustainable choices

  • Advocating for policy change to hold companies accountable


Dr. Matt Warren, Plastic Free Future

Alejandra Warren, Plastic Free Future

Kathi King, Community Environmental Council


Learn more about the impact of plastics

Divert your waste

Reduce consumption and prioritize reuse

Advocate for plastic reduction

  • Learn more about Plastic Free Future’s programs and services

  • Take action with CEC: Join CEC's next Climate Stewards cohort, which kicks off in September, and stay tuned for opportunities to join future plastic reduction advocacy efforts

  • Ask your grocery store to add bulk bins (or add them back now that public health restrictions from the pandemic are no longer in force)

  • Support your local refill shop so they can continue to serve your community

Inspire others to take action

  • Talk with your friends and family about small steps they can take that make big impacts

  • Lead by example–show the youth in your life how to live plastic-free

Thank you to our partner


5 Ways To Cut Plastic Out of Your Life


Los cargadores de vehículos eléctricos para el hogar