Be a steward for the planet

I've been an environmentalist since the moment I stepped onto the boat to Santa Cruz Island on a 6th grade field trip, marveling at the sea life and beauty around the islands. That early awe eventually led to a career at NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, where today I'm still working to protect this amazing place we live in and the ocean I love. I have worked as a marine educator at the sanctuary for 27 years, and I am excited to be currently working on the sanctuary's climate action plan.

As a mother, I deeply believe it is the inherited responsibility of our generation to work to solve the imminent climate crisis. I want to ensure that all of our children and grandchildren will have the same quality of life, or maybe even a better one, than we do.

That's why I’m excited and proud to be a CEC Board Member. In this critical time of climate change on our planet, where bold and purposeful action is required, our community needs CEC's leadership.

I encourage everyone reading this to lean into the work of CEC. Support and attend our events. Engage with our partner organizations and networks. Learn what you can do on a personal and community level to generate positive change for our environment.

Below you'll find resources for how you, too, can engage in local climate action planning.

We are all in this together, and we must take bold and decisive action now. Please join me.

Wishing you health,

Laura Francis

CEC Board Member

Read more about Laura in this recent Hope Ranch Living article

Get involved in local climate action plans

The Central Coast is taking aggressive action against the climate crisis.

Santa Barbara County

Give input on the City of Santa Barbara's Climate Action Plan and share the survey with your personal and social media networks. It only takes 10 minutes and is a direct way for you to share your climate action ideas and priorities with the City of Santa Barbara's Together to Zero climate campaign as the City pursues a Carbon Neutral by 2035 goal.

Head to Santa Barbara County's One Climate to learn more about the County's plan, and take action to ensure a climate safe Santa Barbara County.

Ventura County

Join the City of Oxnard's Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) community meetings on May 17 and May 22. Sign up here.
Take the CAAP community survey questions here and if you are interested in getting more involved, please reach out to CEC's Jennifer Hernández.

San Luis Obispo County

Get the details on San Luis Obispo's Climate Action Plan here. Find more resources on the City's plan to reach carbon neutrality by 2035.


CEC Tribute to Hal Conklin


A Steward for the Planet and the Community Environmental Council