
A space for learning.

Navigating by New Constellations
Sigrid Wright Sigrid Wright

Navigating by New Constellations

Lately, with our collective navigational instruments on the blink, dials spinning uselessly, I awake from sleep and find myself curled into the shape of a question mark, as if to reflect back all the unknowns of this time.

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The Long Emergency
Sigrid Wright Sigrid Wright

The Long Emergency

Recently it’s felt like we’ve been living in a near-constant state of emergency. In fact I have on my nightstand a book of that title – Living in the Long Emergency, which I have yet to read. The truth is that the joint crises of a global pandemic, a deeply flawed economic system, structural racism, fraying political institutions, and growing climate chaos don't leave me with a lot of enthusiasm for this as a bedtime story.

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Burn Your Maps
Sigrid Wright Sigrid Wright

Burn Your Maps

After months of pandemic-induced disruption at so many levels, I find it liberating to realize that the times we are in may just be demanding that we let go of where we wish we were, set a new course, and burn our old maps for fuel.

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How COVID-19 Could Help Us Get Through the Climate Crisis
Sigrid Wright Sigrid Wright

How COVID-19 Could Help Us Get Through the Climate Crisis

In an interview with the Santa Barbara Independent Sigrid Wright, Executive Director of the Community Environmental Council shares her reflections on the similarities between the coronavirus pandemic and the climate crisis, and how the current emergency could help us navigate the even bigger threat to our future.

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How the Pandemic Could be a Crossroads for the Climate
Sigrid Wright Sigrid Wright

How the Pandemic Could be a Crossroads for the Climate

The pandemic could be a crossroads for the climate if we act together now. We’ve learned a few key things from the climate movement that can be helpful here. And vice versa; what we’re learning from this extremely challenging public health crisis could make this a watershed moment for climate change and an enormous opportunity for transformation.

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Bold, Timely Solutions That Can Inform COVID-19 Community Needs
Guest User Guest User

Bold, Timely Solutions That Can Inform COVID-19 Community Needs

The pandemic exposes our region's social, economic and environmental strengths and vulnerabilities – the exact type of community resilience CEC's Climate Resilience Roundtables are designed to help us work toward together. See community-driven solutions we've developed that could support us in this time.

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