Erik Uses the Coastal Express for His Work Commute

"I grew up on the central coast and have lived in Santa Barbara for about six years now after returning from grad school. The entire time I've been back here I've worked out of the area though – first in Santa Paula and now in Ventura – so commuting has unfortunately been a part of my almost daily life.

When gas was super expensive last summer I looked into taking the bus for the first time. The Coastal Express turned out to be the PERFECT option for me. I'd get to sit back, read or work (they have wireless internet on the bus if you have a laptop), and relax on my way to and from work. It's great.

Traffic Solution's website has lots of information about the different commuter buses and routes. I highly suggest looking into it and seeing if one of them will work for you."

-Erik, Santa Barbara


Lee H. Works to Reduce Her Impact in Many Ways