A space for learning.
Jasmin Tupy: Connecting Community to Key Environmental Resources
Jasmin Tupy, a surfer, artist, communicator, and environmentalist, completed CEC’s Climate Stewards Certification Program in Spring 2023.

Charles D. (Kim) Kimbell: A Tireless Advocate for the Environment
Kim Kimbell, our legacy donor featured this month, loves nature, is an avid surfer and swimmer, and is a champion of conservation.

The Biggest Climate Wins of 2023
While it was difficult to surpass 2022’s unprecedented climate wins, the successes we saw this year in California are keeping the winds at our backs, maintaining our momentum toward rapid and equitable climate solutions.

End of Legislative Session Newsletter
While it was difficult to surpass 2022’s unprecedented climate wins, the successes we saw this year in California are keeping the winds at our backs, maintaining our momentum toward rapid and equitable climate solutions.

Angela Antenore - Supporting Environmental Justice and Health
Angela Antenore grew up in Long Beach, CA where she gained a deep appreciation for the outdoors through hiking, camping and exploring the diverse environments of Southern California, from the ocean and beaches to mountains, rivers, and open spaces.

Accelerating Toward Zero-Emission Transportation during National Drive Electric Week
Did you know that transportation is responsible for more than half of California’s carbon emissions, 80 percent of smog-forming pollution, and 95 percent of toxic diesel emissions?

Breaking Up With Fossil Fuels Series: Electric Vehicles (EVs) Are For Everyone
Do you want to electrify your ride? We’re here to help!

Stop Fast Fashion to Slow Climate Change: Spotlight on CEC Climate Stewards Debra Eve
Debra Eve, an alumnus of the Community Environmental Council’s Climate Stewards certification program, wants to raise awareness about the environmental and social consequences of unsustainable “fast” fashion and manufacturing.

Building Resilience in the Face of Extreme Heat: A Call to Action
It’s August, and extreme heat season is upon us on California’s Central Coast. We’ve already had multiple high temperature alerts throughout the tri-counties (plus the flood watch issued earlier this week due to the unprecedented tropical storms unleashed in our region by Hurricane Hilary), and long-term heat trends keep rising.

Extreme Heat: A Call to Action
With extreme heat posing such serious threats to human health and the environment, the time to take action is now to prepare for extreme heat and build resilient communities.

Flipping the Switch: Benefits of Home Electrification and Heat Pump Installation
Space heating is one of the largest generators of air pollution in California. The Solution? Heat Pump Technology. Instead of burning fuel, heat pumps use a refrigerant to move heat from one place to another, similar to your refrigerator. They are more efficient, more consistent, and offer more control. Plus, one heat pump can replace both your heating and air conditioning units.

The Livable World Legacy Society Catherine Brozowski: Making the World a Better Place
Making a legacy gift to a cause that you hold dear is an investment for the future. Few people understand this better than Catherine Brozowski, this month's featured Livable World Legacy Society member.

Free Extreme Heat Forum on Tuesday, August 15
If you (or someone you know) are 65 and older, live on California’s Central Coast, and are concerned about rising temperatures in our community, we invite you to join us for our inaugural Extreme Heat Forum presented by the Gray Panthers Santa Barbara Network, Society of Fearless Grandmothers Santa Barbara, and the Community Environmental Council on Tuesday, August 15, 2023, from 5:00-7:00 p.m.

Plastic Free July and Beyond - Let’s Keep the Momentum Going!
California’s Central Coast has looked to recycling as a landfill diversion solution for several decades—but it’s not enough. That’s why the Community Environmental Council (CEC) is driving progress towards a zero-waste society, turning hard-to-reach waste streams into valuable resources that further reduce climate emissions.

Local Hero: Sigrid Wright
Blue Dot Living features CEC CEO Sigrid Wright, and her long history with the organization.

Dr. Bruce Kendall: Environmental Knowledge and Action
Our featured Legacy donor this month, Dr. Bruce Kendall, is a Professor and Associate Dean at the Bren School.

CEC’s New Environmental Hub Sprouts in the Heart of Downtown Santa Barbara
CEC’s New Environmental Hub is A Focal Point and Incubator for Climate Activism and Awareness

Plastic Free July: How You Can Reduce Waste to Make a Lasting Impact
We all know single-use plastic needs to go, but how do we work collectively to reduce our dependence on it?

Breaking Up With Fossil Fuels Series: The All-Electric Home: Everything Homeowners Need to Know
Did you know that the average U.S. homeowner spends $121 per month on electricity, and even more in California?

Beat the Heat: Lessons Learned from the Fastest Warming County in the Nation And How You Can Ensure Neighbors Are Safe When Temperatures Rise
Did you know Ventura County is warming faster than almost anywhere else in the US?